Arduino Mangoni
Clinical Pharmacologist

Arduino Mangoni is Strategic Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at Flinders University and Senior Consultant and Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at Flinders Medical Centre, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network, Adelaide, Australia. He completed advanced specialist training in Clinical Pharmacology, Cardiology and Internal Medicine in Italy, USA, and the UK. In 2003, he was awarded a PhD in pharmacology at King’s College London.

Professor Mangoni was also awarded the Fellowship of the British Pharmacological Society in 2012, an Honorary Professorship in Clinical Pharmacology by the Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, in 2019, the Fellowship of the International Society of Hypertension in 2020, and eight Visiting Professorships by the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sassari, since 2011.

Arduino Mangoni has a 20-year clinical experience in managing patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors. He has contributed to the development of the ‘Australian Hypertension Guidelines’, the ‘Australian Guidelines on the use of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for the management of Hypertension’ and the SIGN guidelines on the ‘Management of Chronic Pain’.

He has published 392 peer reviewed articles and 23 book chapters in the areas of geriatric pharmacology, cardiovascular pathophysiology and pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, and biomarkers and drug discovery. He is co-editor and author of the books ‘Prescribing for Elderly Patients’ (2009) and ‘Optimizing Pharmacotherapy in Older Adults – An interdisciplinary Approach’ (2023).